Best Open Source DDoS Mitigation Software

Best Open Source DDoS Mitigation Software

DDoS is a recurring premeditated attack on a company’s web infrastructure. Companies often use open source DDoS mitigation software to prevent attacks.       

Open source DDoS mitigation software helps organizations that deal with a virtual or cloud server. Open-source DDoS mitigation tools detect, protect, and mitigate attacks on the infrastructure.  

In this article, we will learn about the best open-source DDoS mitigation, protection, and detection tools.

Best Open Source DDoS Mitigation Software

What is Open Source DDoS Mitigation?

DDoS is an abbreviation for Distributed Denial-of-Service. DDoS mitigation refers to the technique of diminishing the impact of DDoS attacks.

When properly implemented, open source DDoS mitigation tools offer detection and protection to keep the website active during an attack. There are four stages of limiting a DDoS attack using protection software.

  • Detection: This is an important stage in the process of mitigating attacks. Software should be able to identify an attack from the high volume of traffic.
    Detection helps an open source DDoS mitigation software identify IP reputation, common attack pattern, and previous data to provide appropriate protection.
  • Response: Once the open-source DDoS mitigation tool detects an attack, it prepares itself for a response. In this stage, the DDoS protection software intelligently drops the malicious bot traffic and absorbs the remaining traffic.
  • Routing: Once identified and filtering the traffic, an opened source DDoS mitigation software divides the remaining traffic into categorized and manageable chunks preventing DDoS attacks.
  • Adaptation: Opened source DDoS mitigation tools assess the traffic for patterns. Patterns like recurring offensive IP blocks, attacks driven from certain countries, or inappropriate use of specific protocols.
    When it adapts to attack patterns, an opened source DDoS mitigation software can prepare itself to protect the system from future attacks.

DDoS Protection Architecture

A DDoS protection software detects, protects and, mitigates attacks that threaten the websites. Depending on the nature of the attack and consider a user’s series of operation information. 

Detection and Protection from DDoS Attacks:

    • Distribution: It refers to the number of hosts that send packets to the destination over an observation span.
    • Continuity: It observes whether a DDoS attack is extended beyond its time.
    • Effectiveness: It assesses the effect of the attack on the system and analyzes the damages it has or could cost.

DDoS Protection and Detection Architecture:

To understand DDoS Protection and Detection Architecture, we need to know about the components that layer it:

  • Login: Login contains the username and passwords table.
  • Access: It includes the user’s information and data like username, password, and IP addresses. This information is collected when a user has accessed the website for some time.
  • AdminLog: It refers to the collection of data for admin access and observation.
  • BrowserLog: It contains information regarding the browsing activities on the website. 
  • Service: It observes the server information like IP address, usernames, file size and, fcount.
  • Srm: The table includes ID and user information that can be displayed.
  • Front End: The front end uses a programming language to develop websites, desktop apps, etc.

The DDoS Protection and Detection Architecture are divided into four phases:

  • Login/Registration: A valid user can easily log in to the website as their data is stored in the network systems. If their data is not stored, it urges the user to drop its information for better use.
    Once a user registers, the system collects primary data and stores the user’s information. The information includes name, password, confirm password, and email address.
  • Anomaly detection: It refers to the process of detecting suspicious behavior or any discrepancies from the user’s end. Anomaly detection systems and approaches are developed to identify minor details or signs of DDoS attacks.
  • Browsing behavior: A website is categorized and characterized by the number of hyperlinks and in-line objects used in web pages. When users access the links leading to a different page, the browser sends out multiple requests for that page and its in-line object.
    The information collected from the browser history helps detect the user’s behavior and agendas.
  • Prevention: An opened source DDoS mitigation software helps prevent attacks on the website depending on the details collected. The above phases help the software identify information related to the users, anomalies, and browsing behavior to protect the websites and applications.

Here is the Best Open Source DDoS Mitigation Software:

Open Source DDoS Mitigation: OWASP HTTP POST

OWASP stands for Open Web Application Security Project. OWASP HTTP POST is an opened source DDoS mitigation software for application-layer attacks. 

It is also recommended to be used while testing the performance. It is one of the best opened source DDoS mitigation software to decide the capacity of the server.

Open Source DDoS Mitigation: NGINX

NGINX is a popular opened source DDoS mitigation software. It offers a suite of technologies that supports the development and delivery of modern applications.

NGINX provides organizations solutions for digital transformations, monolithic applications, delivering microservices-based applications, etc.

NGINX is the opened source DDoS mitigation software trusted by more than 400 million sites. Companies like Netflix, Hulu, Pinterest, McDonald’s, etc. have benefitted and reached high visibility on the sites.


HAProxy is the fastest and globally used opened source DDoS mitigation software. It offers solutions for load balancers and application delivery control. 

HAProxy provides powerful and tailored solutions according to the agenda and objective of an organization. It offers businesses high availability, security, administration, and support for their websites and applications.


DDoS Deflate is an open source shell script mitigation software. It allows a company to easily implement and configure its solutions on its servers to reduce DDoS attacks.

It offers features to block whitelist and blacklist IP addresses and notify admins regarding the actions. 


Opened-source DDoS Mitigation software automatically identifies attacks to protect applications and websites. Opened-source DDoS Mitigation solutions also gather comprehensive visibility and reporting of the data and attacks.

In 2019, the market for open-source DDoS mitigation was estimated at $ 2.4 billion. It is predicted to reach $ 4.7 billion by 2024. 

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