Much of the fear is over the situations like AI taking our jobs or as shown in one of the best grossing AI science-fiction I, Robot. So, is AI hype really that threatening to the future us?
The entire idea of going agile is to reduce operational/developmental dependency. It also ensures that all the team members perform...
A computer virus is much like an infection virus, which is designed to spread from host to host and has the ability to clone or copy itself.
Deep learning is a subset or an exciting branch of machine learning (ML) which uses similar ML algorithms and uses lots of data to educate deep neural networks so, as to attain better accuracy.
AR, VR and MR are 3 terms often confused with. Understand how the 3 realities are related and different, with the help of examples.
The code of open source softwares is easily available to inspect and modify as required. Increasing number of vendors will be contributing to open source software on account of increasing demand for open source.
These “virtual Agents” will be the first to answer the queries through the phone in the customer’s call center.
Data analytics and machine learning: it is crucial to understand the differences between the technologies to decide which best suits your business needs.
Kubernetes and Docker are essential if you are willing to build a modern cloud infrastructure and run it.
Google is said to be planning a censored search engine to return to China. This means Google will comply with the norms of the Chinese Government.