Remote communication tools have become a necessity for most companies. Organizations depend on and trust these tools to run their day-to-day tasks to achieve...
Tag - Cloud Computing
Network performance monitoring is the process of determining the health of a network. It helps foresee potential issues in the network.
Open source DDoS Mitigation software automatically identifies attacks to protect applications and websites.
Collaboration tools play a key role in maintaining harmony among teams and processes for expanding businesses and their horizons.
Boxcryptor and Crytomator apply to anyone who wants to secure their files or data on cloud storage. The two software are meant not only for privacy concerned...
We uncover myths of Quantum Computing like Quantum Mind, end of normal computers, simulating real-world scenarios, commercially available, etc.
Some of the machine learning use cases in cybersecurity are for email monitoring, anti-virus, securing against SMS scam and human errors.
Federated Learning allows many devices to learn collaboratively while using a shared model. FL works because it uses the data on your device. Once collected...
6 primary types of virtualization are app virtualization, data virtualization, desktop virtualization, network virtualization, server virtualization, and...
Your cloud service provider may or may not cover the overall cloud workload security. Different cloud service models include distinctive security functions.