Data Center Tier 4

Data Center Tier 4 for Mission Critical Businesses

Data center tier 4 is considered as an enterprise-level service and the most expensive option for the business, the costly nature of this data center comes along with a high level of protection to the company’s data.

It is the extension and combination of tiers 1, 2, and 3 by ensuring that it is fully fault-resistant.

It meets the highest standards of heating and cooling with modern HVAC systems.

Tier IV has server architecture, components, and fully fault-proven infrastructure including uplinks, storage, chillers, etc.

It is one of the safest places for the company’s data and hardware as it is built to withstand all the natural calamities.

Tier 4 data center requirements


Redundancy utilized in data centers implies doubly significant and essential components like control, cooling, network, equipment, and programming.

The generators of Tier 4 center facilitates longer hours as they have plenty of fuel as a backup for disasters.

Similarly, the cooling system is also redundant in nature as it provides double the power which gives amicable temperatures that allow no interruption between the operations.

The Tier 4 center design provides redundancy to all the devices. They can absorb any error.

The data centers are double powered as they are centrally connected to PDU if there is any fault in operation. In that case, the generator starts the gear to keep the server running.

Fault Tolerance

Tier 4 is considered as “Fault Tolerance.” An operating system can deliver uninterrupted service despite any hardware or software failure.

It also solves the interruptions like storage, disk failure, and many more. It is necessary to prevent SPOF (single point of failure) that could suddenly crash the operating system. Protecting the system against such a crash is the purpose of Fault Tolerance or Tier 4.


Hot-swap is a replacement of a hard drive or faulty disk, which is done without interruption.

At the data center, hot swapping works by proving special racks to disk for storage. The purpose of the device is to have a backup in place and ensure the smooth running of the server all the while.

Tier 4 data center list

CtrlS Datacenter

CtrlS Datacenter is an Indian based company headquartered in Hyderabad, with operations in Mumbai, Noida, and Bangalore. The company began in 2007, founded by Sridhar Pinnapureddy.

CtrlS Datacenter deals with the networked computer servers of large organizations and is one of the leading web services providers in India.

It is the first Tier 4 certified data center in India and is Asia’s largest Tier 4 Datacenter, as well as the company, provides various offerings from platform level services which include data center infrastructure, backup, storage, and much more.

GPX is a privately owned company, founded by Nick Tanzi.

The company designs develop and operate Tier 4 data centers in the fast-growing commercial markets of Africa and South Asia regions. It is South Asia’s first Uptime Institute Tier IV certified infrastructure.

The company offers highly reliable and secure data centers to domestic and international clients, and the customers of the company are not bound to one hardware or software provider.

They have the platform to get better-customized solutions for their businesses.

SUPERNAP International

SUPERNAP International was launched in 2014. The company has a partnership with Switch and ACDC Fund. The company has a license for Switch’s patented designs and protocols.

The growth of SUPENAP International can be contributed to their urge for innovating mindful designs across various geographies.

They partnered with local leaders and brands of the zones and were driven by the motive of growth among local people. It develops advanced data centers in the US.

Data Center tier III vs. IV

Availability 99.982% uptime 99.995% uptime
Interruption chances 1.6 hours per year 0.8 hours per year
Power Supply N+1 2N+1
Business Size It is used by medium to large businesses. It is only used by large businesses.
Cost It is less expensive in comparison to Tier IV. It is costly when compared to Tier III.
Safety It is not fully equipped for fault-resistance. It is fully fault-resistant.

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