Intelligent Character Recognition

Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) – Benefits, Working & Tools

ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) is essentially an advanced optical character recognition (OCR) technology that works towards covering all the inadequacy in the traditional OCR systems in handling different types of issues in interpreting the text.

ICR is a popular DMS technology for identifying and deciphering handwriting, based on artificial neurons.

Working and Benefits of Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR)

Intelligent Character Recognition can elucidate a variety of new handwriting fonts and styles through its artificial neural networks that help the system to self-learn with each experience.

It means that every time the ICR exposes itself to a new type of data, it upgrades its recognition database automatically. With each dataset accumulated, the artificial neuron networking helps the system in predictive.

With ANN, the system does not require to be reprogrammed. It moreover improves the advanced OCR software in the accumulation and prediction of the missing data with a set of indirect and complex databases.

So, with each engagement, the ANN compares the new with the old data and experience with previous formats and styles and comes out with the best accuracy level possible. With more content, you provide the more precise the neural networks become.

ICR starts with determining a general pattern instead of identifying corresponding characters.

As the process requires recognition through knowledge gained by working on several different handwritings, the accuracy levels may not be excellent in certain contexts.

Multiple read engines are used to keep on improving the system’s alphanumeric recognition rates.

ICR Usage with Modern Technologies

Integration with artificial intelligence and machine learning helps ICR systems to optimize itself continually to recognize structured and unstructured forms of alphanumeric and cursive handwriting.

Thus, the Intelligent Character Recognition system has been readily adopted in multiple platforms and modern technologies like in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and OMR for optimizing workplace processes.

ICR software is an excellent consolidation for electronic archiving (e-archiving or EDMS) and document management software (DMS), as it compliments their work design.

Just as ICR is fundamentally the extended version of OCR, ICR has its own evolved version named IWR.

IWR stands for Intelligent Word Recognition that is capable of recognizing with full words or phrases, unlike the traditional ICR that works from printed character recognition to hand-written text recognition.

IWR, at its best, is adopted to scan and decipher the unconstrained handwritten content.

Together with OCR and IWR, organizations can integrate their technologies to simplify and accelerate the digitization and transcription of multiple types of forms and documents.

Read More: OCR vs. ICR: What Differentiates the two Character Recognition Software?

Best ICR Tools and Software

A2iA Mitek

Mitek Systems, the digital identity verification solutions organization, acquired a2ia, the artificial intelligence and image analysis leader in 2018.

And, together, created a powerful Handwritten & printed text recognition solution for both mobile & desktop.

A2iA Mitek’s ICR technology is part of the three-pronged approach and works parallel with its OCR and IWR capabilities.

Parascript FormXtra.AI

Parascript is a document automation solution provider. It provides advanced capture along with image-based analysis and classification.

Its product FormXtra.AI is an automated self-learning software with advanced capture, ICR/OCR, multiple types of handwritings, and includes cursive and signature recognition capabilities.

This prescript software could be easily integrated with ongoing automation projects for better output.


Cloud SDK is an advanced OCR platform that is accessible through Web API. ABBYY SDKs provides ICR solutions in its FineReader Engine (for Windows), and in FlexiCapture Engine.

It leverages AI and ML technologies to drive better results. Hosted on Microsoft Windows Azure, ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK is a secure and easy-to-integrate high-end cloud service for recognizing OCR, ICR, OMR, and barcodes and processing.

LEADTOOLS ICR SDK Technology – OmniPage Engine

LEADTOOLS ICR SDK Module provides the users with an add-on product named OmniPage Engine for recognition applications.

It provides users with OCR and ICR integration for high-performance and scalable image-recognition solutions.

It offers fast and accurate ICR for document batch processing with a vast amount of database smoothly for both web and cloud applications.

Also Read: Top 7 Robotic Process Automation Tools for Back-office Automation

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