Robotic Service Orchestration Explained in Detail

Robotic Service Orchestration Explained in Detail

What is Robotic Service Orchestration?

Robotic Service Orchestration (RSO) is a solution to plan and set up the best ecosystem for a successful collaboration of manual and digital workforce.

RSO makes sure for both to co-exist and improve one another. It provides a strategic framework to manage and measure automation and manual-labor requirements and solutions.

An orchestrated environment for modern tools and techniques, working alongside humans, is undeniably in every business’s future.

With new technology, an enterprise’s focus is to gain maximum value in minimum time and effort.

Acquiring technology and trying to put it in work instantly is practical in only a few cases. Just hoarding the smart technologies and automation tools is not good enough to guarantee a company’s success.

The employees need to be appropriately accustomed to the new working environment. They try to figure out the most productive way to work with the tool while perfectly balancing the other processes. It can be almost incomprehensible after a certain point.

With RSO, businesses look into automated solutions to efficiently manage and blend human skills with new-age digital technologies.

It aims for a profitable and productive large-scale mass collaboration. It helps you manage workflow without losing visibility and control of your end-to-end service provision process.

How is Robotic Service Orchestration different from Robotic Process Automation?

RPA uses artificial intelligence to increase the competency of labor-intensive tasks through automation.

While RSO manages the RPA processes to ensure the humans and bots integration is balanced and under control. The combination of RPA and RSO generates transparency in the workflow.

RSO keeps a regular check on Robotic Process Automation’s work productivity and health within the enterprise. RSO helps you to steer clear of over-automation.

Effectively sharing insights and results between the teams is critical for successful digitalization.

Thus it’s essential to know how to create a balance in the working environment. There is no space for any role conflict, strategy disagreement, technical glitch, or other incompatibilities.

It seamlessly manages the division and implementation of work amongst the team with smooth communication. Every integration and automation process is under careful administration.

Robotic Process Automation and Robotic Service Orchestration, when integrated, helps you with micromanaging processes from start to finish. RSO exceeds the value of RPA beyond simple cost reductions. It creates quick insights and control over the integrated human and digital workforce.

RSO also assists in:

  • Improving SLA performance.
  • Lowering the risk that comes from adopting multiple platforms and technologies.
  • Maintains flexibility within, and keeps your systems ready to adopt new technologies.
  • Managing the bots.
  • Quick insights for human decision making.

Continue Reading on RPA: Future Scope and Predictions for RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

Robotic Service Orchestration Platforms

These platforms provide robust services for both automation and orchestration:

Robotic Service Orchestration: Enate

Enate is a popular Robotic Service Orchestration (RSO) provider that helps manage bots and other end-to-end orchestration services across people, digital or hybrid workforce.


EpsilonAI provides worldwide RSO implementation support, and certified training at an enterprise scale. It offers an easy to build business workflow management system to scale and manage Human-Robot workforce.


Oracle Integration has a robust RSO (Robotic Service Orchestration) support that helps manage bots and other end-to-end orchestration services.


RPA users have started to understand the importance of RSO in their businesses. Organizations can securely invest in emerging technologies with better insights.

Robotic Service Orchestration ensures complete end-to-end visibility of your workflow. It further helps plan future strategies to deliver the best to customers.

Robotic Service Orchestration help analyzes process flexibility for any new technology. Thus, it makes the decision-making process smoother and improves service deliverability. It helps you micro-manage automation.

RSO helps you reach digital maturity while regulating time, money, and the system’s health.

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