Emerging Technologies for Future

Top 10 Emerging IoT Technologies for Better Future

Internet of Things (IoT) is an integrated networking system of physical things, represented digitally through devices that can be controlled from anywhere for Emerging Technologies for Better Future. The connectivity and hence the IoT has numerous possibilities.

According to some experts, the IoT will embody almost 50 billion objects by 2020 in emerging technologies for better future

“From gathering new data to automation of infrastructure, companies are finding many benefits from adding connectivity and intelligence to physical infrastructure,” reported CompTIA study.

The ‘things’ get connected to your devices through sensors, actuators, and software to enable services based on information and data. This technology has led to a large number of business and innovation opportunities that are affecting our day to day life, on a positive note. Mentioned below are the top 10 trending areas for the Internet of Things.

First and foremost, Security

The more use of digital technology, the more is the requirement of Security. With the embedded processors which contain full-fledged and robust network-connected operating systems, the security threat rises of devices like home thermometers, smart TVs and cars.

Android security vendors are implementing increased security measures, but the rate of adoption is humbled by the swelling number of new appliances hitting the market with anonymous security chops.

Finding the right way to cope up with this is going to be the primary target of IoT companies this year. With increasing concerns and solutions for security, it is gradually getting easier to spot scams, or worse, on the platform.

Machine learning and AI in Emerging Technologies

Increase in the Internet of Things increases the data & information applied in it. That pushes them forward to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Indeed, as we discussed in our earlier post-AI is becoming a necessity, as a load of data and complexity will only rise in the future.

These advanced technologies are assisting in the growth of IoT space. We see an intense wave of AI, machine learning and deep learning in IoT companies like Tachyus, MoBagel, Sentenai, Moov, Building Robotics, Glassbeam, Teradata and Sentrian.

These all are just a few of the many players that are making noise in this arena. Others are rapidly catching up to the trend.


Internet of Things is helping people in monitoring their medical conditions and assisting them with the daily treatment according to the data provided.

In many necessary conditions, physicians can also monitor the patient’s development.

Things like heart- rate and blood pressure monitors which are capable of monitoring implanted devices. Implants like Fitbit electronic wristbands, pacemakers and hearing aids are available as IoT.

A few hospitals implemented “smart beds” that can detect if they are occupied or if a patient is attempting to leave the bed.

It can also help in adjusting appropriate pressure and support to the patient without any physical interaction with nurses.

Cloud Computing in emerging technologies

As now we know, the IoT involves internet-connected gadgets programmed in such a way that they could be manoeuvred accordingly, even without being present. It must have the correct software and wholesome data in its system to work correctly.

Another member set to help IoT thrive in cloud computing, which acts as a sort of battlefront. The Cloud has grown to be an integral part of the internet world.

Hence, one could say that the cloud works as a catalyst when it comes to IoT. The underlying idea behind the integration of IoT and Cloud is to increase efficiency in the day to day task, without affecting the quality of the data that is being stored or transferred, making the technology stream better yet smoother.

The relationship is mutual between the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, as one is the source of data and the latter one is the ultimate destination to be stored.

Companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon AWS are set to become the undisputed leaders of IoT CloudTech Services.

Smart Home Devices

Although it may sound lazy, however for the working-class people or maybe an extended family it may turn out to be a boon to their busy household.

Smart home techs allow the owner to manage and monitor a wide range of verticals like security, home monitoring, room controls, and energy efficiency. It primarily works as a remote control to your house.

Companies like Samsung with its Samsung smart fridge & media controllers, Amazon Echo, Eskesso, Genican and Google home are already adding a great deal of ease into everyone’s lives.

For example, the Nest thermostat helps in controlling energy consumption. It in turn also helps in lowering our bills while providing a comfortable environment, at home or office.

With Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller you can stop worrying about adjusting your sprinkler according to the weather as the device do it for you. Amazon Echo is cloud-connected and voice-activated which makes things more accessible.

Analytical IoT in emerging technologies

This year, IoT is going to confront many challenges including the Analytics and prediction models which are becoming an integral part of the Internet of Things applications.

There is an exploitation of the information and data collected by the objects, most possibly to understand user’s behavior.

That is, to improve services and products, to identify and predict market and business moments. It is especially the case if there is no use of AI and deep learning. It may raise concerns towards security too.

The increasing security measures and the different Internet of Things put pressure on various aspects of traditional analytics, data management infrastructure, and Business Intelligence Techniques.

It is giving IoT leaders a need to be proactive in detecting gaps and frailties.


Again, the systems need to get upgraded so that they could support IoT applications. Traditional operating systems (OSs) such as Windows and iOS consume too much power and lack features like the real-time response.

The IoT devices are growing in complexity too. In turn, it increases the application of sensors, data processing, and connectivity to send that data out.

The use of RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) IoT device is taking a huge leap. Knacks gained as a result of RTOS includes, multitasking, scheduling tasks and to monitor the resource and data sharing among various tasks. The IoT OS

Platform Fragmentation

Until now, the Internet of things has been suffering from market fragmentation. Fragmentation makes the task of developing applications much harder.

It is in consideration of both, hardware variations and differences in the software running on them.

With the surge of venture capital dollars running to IoT, there has been an inflow of organizations and solutions on the market, creating a very divided panorama within the IoT ecosystem.

As a result, this fragmentation has become one of the resistance in adopting IoT.

Transportation in Emerging Technologies

The IoT can support the integration of data and information processing while being in control through various transportation systems.

IoT is applicable to all the aspects of transportation systems, from vehicle to the user. Moreover, because of this dynamic interconnection, it enables inter and intra automobile communication, smart parking & traffic control, e-toll collection system, vehicle control, logistics and fleet management.

It further goes on to avail the safety and road assistance. The Internet of Things platform can continuously locate and monitor the cargo and asset’s status via sensors.

It can also share special alerts like messages of delays, any specific problems or threats.

Architecture and Processors in Emerging Technologies

According to Gartner, “The processors and architectures used by IoT devices explain many factors like, whether they have competent security and encoding, power consumption, or if it can smoothly support an operating system, updatable firmware, and embedded device management.”

Now we don’t need a crystal ball to anticipate IoT development in both consumer and industrial sector in the upcoming future.

Several things will emerge. Commercial and technical battles between these ecosystems will dominate the areas such as the smart city, and different entertainment department.

IoT establishes itself to be a dynamo that will create new innovative opportunities and address micro to macro global challenges.

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