5G and Fourth Industrial Revolution Shaping Future

How 5G and Fourth Industrial Revolution are Shaping up the Future?

What exactly are the industrial revolutions?

Industrial revolutions are those eras in modern human history that brought a radical shift in the social and economic status of people impelled by technological innovations.

From the late 1700s to date, we have the three major and the fourth industrial revolution is one of the current eras.

The First industrial revolution took place between the late 1700s and early 1800s with an appearance of mechanized textile manufacturing and a steam locomotive. In simple words, it used water and steam power to mechanize production.

The Second industrial revolution started between 1820 and 1870 was possible and achievable by rapid mechanization, industrialization, and the invention of the assembly lines.

Furthermore, this revolution used electric power to create mass production.

The Third industrial revolution took place in 1969. It started off with the entry of computers and electronics. It used information technology and electronics to automate production.

What is the 4th industrial revolution and what makes it special?

The fourth industrial revolution, often known as 4IR or Industry 4.0 is the revolution of the current era unfolding before our eyes, which is happening with the amalgamation of digital, biological, and physical paradigms, impacting various industries and economies.

On the contrary, the 4IR has a more significant impact on us from a societal, technological, ethical, and economic perspective.

As with any revolution, citizens of that era are the beneficiaries and are also the ones that are affected.

Moreover, it is about helping everyone, including leaders and people from all income groups and nations. It also harnesses upcoming technologies in order to create a comprehensive, human-centric future.

It is more than just technology-driven change.

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture relationships.” —Klaus Schwab

5G and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

5G is the fundamental platform for the 4IR. It is not just another G on the path of mobile technology evolution.

5G combines greater data transfer speeds and heightened processing power to enable IoT connectivity on a massive scale.

It will have a significant impact on every aspect of our digital lives. Especially, become an integral part of societies and is set to revolutionize the world of business.

The arrival of 5G which is the next-gen of wireless networks will provide an opportunity for smart cities. It will also take every advantage of the 4th industrial revolution.

5G will deliver what 4G and earlier networks couldn’t; ultra-low latencies and blazing speed.

It enables quick data analysis and responses that can allow cloud-connected traffic control, driverless cars, and other smart city applications to thrive.

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