New Technologies Breakout Predictions for Near Future | HiTechNectar

4 Technology Predictions for Near Future (Including 2020)

We are already 1.5 months into 2019. So many new technologies have been made in just a handful of years by now that carry high hopes for the future.

So let’s talk about the breakout of these new technologies that are looking bright this year, with future technology trends 2020 & years ahead.

Now, here we have led out a short and crisp blog on new technologies that will undergo a breakthrough in the upcoming future.

These ‘new technologies predictions’ are taken into account not in just a trendsetting way over the internet, but also their use in real life.

Future Technology Predictions and Trends

Blockchain As a Service (BaaS) and Cryptocurrency

Yes yes, I know you are tired of hearing of Blockchain and AI by now and it is all up and trending by now in the tech industry.

But in reality, according to the Tech Pro Research report, 70% of professionals responded that they never used any BaaS. Nobody honestly believes that it will be worth much change very soon.

But eventuality, I predict that some of the major tech companies will come up and launch a much legitimate solution that actually improves and enhances general people’s experiences.

Cryptocurrency’s security issues and past experiences with ransomware and cybercrimes are its most notable hindrance to Blockchain’s growth.

The difference between the two will be clearer, futuristically speaking. Nevertheless, steady growth in the logistics and supply chain industry is foreseen.

Right now we are already using AI, ML Modeling, and DL in a lot of things and will continue to extend.

We are already getting a 101 on AI’s use in smartphones, for gaming, as personal voice assistants like Bixby, Echo, Alexa, Face Recognition, Email Spam, Malware Filtering, Online Customer Support, SERP refining, and healthcare.

As a result, almost all of the networking and social platforms that we are in, use an AI algorithm.

Big Companies are now furthermore developing their AI’s “Intelligence” in

  • Bettering the manual as well as launching self automotive,
  • AI CCTVs for better Videos Surveillance,
  • Fake News and online fraud detection
  • More Humane Customer Service through natural language processing
  • Preserving wildlife and the environment.
  • Work Automation, HR services, and maintenance
  • Increasing Cybersecurity
  • More healthcare solutions like Brain stimulation, neural interface, cognitive science/neuroscience study
  • Biorobotics

This furthermore proves how Artificial Intelligence is not overrated.


Virtual, augmented and hybrid (Mixed) reality will spread wings for not just better gaming experiences but also in experiencing

  • Real-time events,
  • Connecting with our friends & family like they are right there with us ( real-life Holographic Presence)
  • Classroom Education, Training, Designing & Modeling
  • Business Logistics
  • Sales Improvements,
  • Field Services Improvements
  • Big data/ Data Visualization.
  • Tourism Industry and public safety and direct assistance.

Quantum Technology

Quantum technology very recently has become available for the public on the cloud. Hence, it is going to spread like wildfire in many industries, providing solutions and answers to future problems in like

  • Healthcare
  • Cybersecurity
  • financial markets
  • Ultracomputing, Quantum Computing
  • Traffic solutions
  • Data Coverage
  • Gaming
  • Help AI in more human-like bot development
  • Quantum Cryptography
  • Forecasting

Some Real 5G Action

Right now there are only many talks about it, but no right and suitable devices for 5G ultra-fast speed.

But this is going to change, and 5G use will extend even more in the hotspot, tethering, and Netgear’s Nighthawk type of applications.

Right now, many big companies like Apple are just in the experimenting zone and waiting on solutions and 5G to be more accessible to people.

It will furthermore be getting into Smart Cities, Smart Home appliances and products, Logistics and shipping, Industrial IoT, Fleet management, medical & mission-critical applications, and security and surveillance.

Also, some new 5G technologies will be bought to it with newer bands. Therefore, operators will be able to offer consumers unlimited data plans at a cost-effective rate and without frowning the user’s forehead.

Moreover, it may end the monopoly of cable players in home & enterprise broadband segments like in the U.S. and similar others.

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